The Hypnosis audios that you will be able to download straight after purchase are:
- Abandon Anxiety,
- Desensitisation,
- Panic Freedom,
- Fear Release,
- Fear Into Power
Abandon Anxiety
It is very well documented these days…
Focusing on the breath and breathing is very important if you become anxious.
Breathing slowly and deeply activates the vagus nerve, which is the major quieting nerve of the body. This nerve helps to calm you down automatically, so if you become anxious, deep breathing can help.
In addition and as an alternative, hypnosis is a very positive way to help you conquer anxiety.
You knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?
Here, I want to share with you a very simple and incredibly powerful hypnosis session for overcoming anxiety.
If you ever get anxious, then now is the time to abandon that anxiety.
Firstly, anxiety resulting from trauma and secondly; signal anxiety, which is in effect when someone is trying to protect himself from anxiety resulting from trauma.
No matter what the theory, anxiety relates to a future time and is usually about a future situation.
It also comes from scattered attention and lack of focus.
It is the unknown what causes apprehension and anxiousness.
Living in the moment can help stop anxiety.
We deceive ourselves into thinking we can control, manipulate, or modify the future. In actuality, there are so many variables that we really can’t see all the possibilities that can occur.
In fact, worrying or being anxious causes more anxiety and may cause missing a moment that could be truly valuable.
There is a paradox to anxiety: the more you anticipate what’s going to happen, the more anxious you become.
To eliminate anxiety, becoming quiet and allowing things to happen works better than being anxious about what might happen.
Learn to give your full attention to everything you do at the moment.
By letting go of the anxiety, you conquer it.
Living in the moment does help. Since anxiety is based on the fear of a future outcome, you can learn to cope with this fear by using positive thought.
Remember: you are what you think!
Negative emotions bring negative results.
Positive emotions bring positive results, so learn to laugh at the outcome and think positive!
Yes indeed, laugh more!
Here I offer you a process and technique that is often overlooked by many therapists yet is one of the most empirically researched and proven ways of affecting progressive change within people.
A few years ago, I had a client who was experiencing anxiety for much of each day. He came to one session with me and was shaking, I mean shaking with dread, anxiety and was in one heck of a state.
I asked him to run me through the cause of his anxiety and he explained in great detail.
His explanation was very vivid, he was almost inside of the experience while he talked about it. He was filled with tears and was sobbing in a way that made it difficult to understand what he was saying at first.
So I asked him to explain it all again.
He looked at me oddly and then proceeded to run through the entire thing again, though with no tears this time.
I told him that I was still unsure of all the details in my mind and so could he please explain it once more for me.
He looked at me as if I was being heartless and unsympathetic.
When I asked him to repeat it all a fourth time, he nearly left the room.
At the end of that explanation, he seemed bored of talking about it and was totally unaffected by explaining it all, whereas he was earlier sobbing while explaining.
I pointed this out and he realized what had gone on.
It is this process that I want to explain in more detail today and show you how to use it for some amazing effect in your life.
If you have experienced anxiety in the past, it is most likely a learned response, an old habit.
Just like any other habit, physical tension and emotional anxiety can be learned over time and become associated with certain circumstances, events or situations in your life, and it is those events that stimulate that anxiety.
Learning and Unlearning
It is a core and fundamental belief inherent within modern personal development and certainly within my consulting rooms that anything that can be learned can also be unlearned.
That is, all habits can be broken.
I am certainly not saying that it is easy to break an established habit… Unless of course, you have the right kind of help and processes at your disposal.
This process is fabulous for dissipating those unwanted feelings
Our Cat Spooky
When my wife first took in our cat Spooky because he had been abandoned by his previous owners and left without food or shelter for a long time, he mistrusted humans. He actually feared people, which we suspect was due to his poor treatment.
You see, even animals can learn to be anxious when they do not necessarily need to be.
Our own experience as well as much documented and researched evidence shows that animals can also be trained to overcome their anxieties. Spooky now loves the affections and attention of humans and loves being around people in general…
So much so that when I am working from home, he jumps all over me and my laptop to get my attention!
New Habit To Replace Old
One way to break an old habit is by replacing it with a new habit…
Anxiety and relaxation are two mutually exclusive states; they cannot dominate the same body at the same time, the stronger one tends to progressively cancel the weaker one out.
By training yourself to relax very deeply, and by facing your fears gradually and systematically, you can use the relaxation response to cancel out anxiety, in steps and stages, and replace it with feelings of calm.
All it takes is a little patience and focus.
In the example I used earlier, it happened quite quickly and immediately, however, much continuance and consistency were required over the following weeks to maintain that, and stop any sliding back into old ways.
So here I want to share with you a process known as hypnotic desensitisation which has been used successfully for over fifty years in clinical practice to help people overcome anxiety.
It is used in hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and many others besides.
You’ll begin by easily and simply rehearsing some basic relaxation skills and then facing your fears in the safety of whatever comfortable room or place you choose at the same time.
You just use your imagination to picture the things that you want to overcome and dissipate.
By running through such a process, you then find that the same feelings of relaxation remain with you outside in the real world when you have finished the process.
This is a marvellous process I am delighted to share with you.
Panic Freedom
Wherever you are sat this very moment reading this, if I were to run into that place, clapping my hands loudly and shouting “Fire! Fire!” you may well panic and rush to save your own life.
And no doubt be irritated that I was testing my notion and subsequently smiling cheekily.
This is an expected kind of panic — unlike the type of panic that this hypnosis session is aimed at quelling…
In my therapy rooms at the time of writing this, I have had more than the usual numbers of people panicking…
I am certain it is not actually to do with the messages we are getting from the government announcing “Don’t Panic” with regards to the seemingly devastating financial situation here in the UK at the moment — that the media seems determined to terrify everyone about.
So what is it?
Is it that people are more self-aware?
Does our enhanced sense of self and self-consciousness make us more capable of scaring ourselves?
I have no idea, to be honest.
It has raised some fascinating thoughts and encounters recently in my therapy sessions though…
Many hypnotherapists are reluctant to interact formally with their clients while they (the client) is in hypnosis.
With this hypnosis session, I offer you a really simple technique that can be done by anyone to let go of panic…
The idea of the strategy within this hypnosis session is to identify and then to obtain information from within your unconscious mind, about each part of the panic symptom complex.
What do I mean by that?
By that, I am referring to the set of symptoms that people experience when they panic.
So this hypnosis session is going to describe for you a way in which you can have a tool immediately available to you for relieving an anxiety attack of any kind.
‘Immediately available’ sounds good, doesn’t it?
Bear in mind, you do not have to have an ongoing panic issue for this to be something you use — it can be something you keep in your mind in case it is ever required.
I know you are going to love this session.
Fear Release
How to go into your mind and start letting go of any fears of any kind!
I went to an engagement party recently. A close friend of mine is now engaged and planning on marrying next year and had a celebratory party. It was great fun and I got to catch up with lots of old friends.
Of course, no party is complete without balloons. Some of the children were playing with balloons and I was helping them have some fun with them, not to mention tying the knots at the end of balloons that had been blown up too much. I showed a couple of kids how to rub the balloons on their heads and make it stick to the wall or ceiling with the static. It kept them amused for ages, though our hosts may have become less amused with their new wall decorations.
Balloons are such fun, aren’t they?
Well, I associate them with having fun.
I am going to come back to balloons later…
I have mentioned the idea lots of times before and quoted excerpts from my favourite self-help books, such as ‘The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind’ by Joseph Murphy and ‘As A Man Thinketh’ by James Allen.
They mention that rather wonderful idea of your mind being like a rich, fertile garden.
Of course, the garden needs tending — you need to plant good healthy seeds, and if you do not take care of the garden, weeds can grow.
The thoughts you allow into your mind — especially the ones that you think of the most and focus on continually — are the fruits that are going to grow and manifest in your life… it is as simple as that.
This notion is familiar to regular readers of my ezine and I am not going to repeat it much more here.
Instead, I want us to go into the garden of our minds and do some major cultivation. This is like primo-dynamite weeding!
With this fantastic hypnosis session, I show you how to go into your mind and start letting go of any fears of any kind.
You just have a particular direction in mind as to how you are going to benefit from this hypnosis session…
By that, I mean that you should think of a specific area of your life that you may have some fears or apprehensions about.
What with the garden of your mind and lots of fun with balloons, this session is a remarkable journey!
When you have an old notion in your mind, as guided throughout the session, you then proceed to let go of what you no longer need…
A bit like popping balloons, or at least, like letting the air out of them!
It really is as simple as that with this hypnosis session — enjoy the freedom you get with this session.
I know you are going to find it as liberating as everyone else does.
Fear Into Power
F.E.A.R. What a word.
Many people allow themselves to be debilitated by fear…
And they allow the fear to hold them back in many areas of life without ever even realising it…
They are scared of certain outcomes, scared of failure, scared of humiliation…
And their brain makes it go wild and fantastical and increases the fear…
With this session, I want to show you how to turn fear into power and strength.
Within the fields of modern personal development, a phenomenon known as anchors is talked about a great deal…
We have anchored responses to all sorts of things, like when we see the new trainers we bought at Christmas, we start feeling guilty for not running in them since the first week of January…
Or when we smell the coolness of the air (it has been snowing here in the UK and the freezing air has a real particular smell to it) it reminds of us when we went skiing…
Or when we see an old friend, we go all warm inside and smile or even laugh as we connect them to lots of good times in our lives…
These are all anchored responses that occur in our lives.
Many of us have even more negative anchors too…
Like guilt associated with spending time caring for oneself…
Or fear associated with approaching someone with a view to dating, or starting a relationship…
And that fear is unattractive and can be sensed and is communicated to the world and makes it even harder for us to be perceived as attractive by the people we want to.
So with this session, I want us to start turning old fears into empowerment.
You can use this for any circumstance that in the past used to make you feel fearful…
You are going to love the freedom you feel following this!