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End Laziness, End Procrastination and Get Motivated

This set of 3 hypnosis sessions focuses on abandoning laziness, abandoning procrastination and truly getting motivated, inspired and driven towards all the marvellous things we want to make happen in our lives.

*INSTANT DELIVERY – NOTE: A pdf is delivered immediately after purchase which contains instructions for getting the audio MP3 downloads for immediate delivery worldwide


End Laziness, End Procrastination and Get Motivated

I put this mini-programme of sessions together at the beginning of the year in response to a lot of people asking for a process to get them motivated for all the things they wished to achieve in the 12 months ahead.

Most people do not require a great deal of motivating at the beginning of a new year. The New Year heralds a new leaf which tends to inspire many. Though for some, the laziness and gluttony of the festive season makes it tough to get into gear. And at other times of the year, motivation can flag. It is hard to keep up the initial burst of enthusiasm and easy to get stuck in a rut and need some inspiration to get back on track.

Regardless – when looking to achieve some goals, get productive and make some changes, we need some motivation that is intrinsic motivation. That is, motivation that comes from within us and not just external encouragement where something or someone else is required to get us going.

So this set of 3 hypnosis sessions focuses on abandoning laziness, abandoning procrastination and truly getting motivated, inspired and driven towards all the marvellous things we want to make happen in our lives.

Acting out our dreams for real – making them a REALITY.

Taking ACTION now

You Get THREE Hypnosis Sessions and an introduction which explains how to use them

It is a series of 3 hypnosis sessions that you listen to with a few days in between each session, so you take a number of steps and not just aim to do it all at once with one swooping process that fixes all.

What’s my garden got to do with it?

To help me explain to you the process I am going to take you through I will tell you the thoughts I had about this when tending my beloved garden.

At the start of the year, I was out perusing my garden to make sure nothing had been too detrimentally effected by the high winds and adverse weather conditions we had recently experienced. Just being in my garden tends to get my mind moving on to the plans for the garden for the year ahead. There are spaces here and there that will be filled by more lupins, foxgloves, delphiniums and pentstemons (my favourites) from the seeds that I collected from last year’s plants once they had flowered. So the seeds will be germinated and sown in my greenhouse, covered and then potted up every few weeks until they are ready for the cold frame and eventually into the garden late spring.

I do not just plant the seeds straight out into the garden to face the elements of winter, do I?

No, they’d not germinate, they’d not get access to all that they need at the early stages of growth, they’d not be protected or strong enough to develop into full-blown beautiful flowers that blossom each year and bring joy, colour and life to my garden.

With this set of motivational hypnosis sessions, you are going to prepare the garden, so to speak. Then you are going to diligently plant the seeds of your motivation before growing it into full-blown blooming, blossoming motivation and inspiration and drive and do it all in a way that is going to last rather than being a quick fix solution of any kind.

I have always thought that when it comes to motivation, or the development of any kind of emotion, state or feeling, if we walk around all day every day trying to analyse and assess it, then it could deflate us or have an adverse effect.

As I often say to my clients and in the classroom, if you sat in your garden and got comfortably positioned and decided to observe your flowers and shrubs growing, you may not find it all that entertaining.  In fact, you may not notice a great deal happening at all.

However, if you tend to that flower, water it, let the sun shine upon it, feed it and let nature take its course, when you return a week a later, you notice that it has grown, developed and sometimes bloomed and blossomed.

It’s a bit like when I see my brother and sister-in-law with their children. They live with their own kids day in, day out, so don’t always notice things as much as we do when we see them. When we see them, my niece and nephew have grown a great deal and they are sure to tire of me telling them that they have grown so much!

So when we develop our motivation and drive and aim to end laziness and procrastination for good, it is best that we have a regular process of some kind and tend to it and manage it, but then we take action, get on with our life and do not spend every day analyzing how much it has changed each and every minute… For example, when reducing weight, you would not go and jump on the scales every minute to see how much weight you have lost, would you? (Heck though, I know some folk get near to that!)

How to use this set of hypnosis sessions

With this set of hypnosis audios, you listen to the first track to build a foundation and create a fertile mindset for motivation and we are aiming to get rid of any laziness and procrastination right from the beginning. You listen to that track at least 3 times over the course of 5-7 days.

Then you listen to track two which starts to develop and build the motivation at a very deep level and sure level. Again, you listen to that track at least 3 times in 5-7 days and only then you listen to the final track as often as you can and use the processes installed on an ongoing basis to enjoy the amazing motivation and drive that you have created and developed, noticing how your life changes and how different you feel about taking action to achieve your goals and dreams.

The introduction will remind you further about how to use these sessions most effectively.

Enjoy these sessions!

If you want to end laziness, end procrastination and get a deep-rooted level of self-motivation, inspiration and start taking action towards your desired outcomes and goals, then these three sessions are going to make that happen for you.