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Enhancing Sporting Performance

This hypnosis session is going to get your mind focused, it is going to create harmony within you and it is going to ensure you are driven to getting your exercise completed and done with enjoyment. You’ll really love how you benefit from this, I know I certainly did and many of the people I work with professionally reap the rewards of this type of session.

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Enhancing Sporting Performance And Creating Internal Harmony When Exercising

You are going to have to bear with me for a few paragraphs here if you are not into running. But this is all relevant to the personal development process I am sharing here in this hypnosis audio track. It is something that I have used directly in the past with amazing results.

This hypnosis audio track was put together the day after I had run a 20 mile race.

I clocked a personal best time for 20 miles. I ran this same race 24 minutes slower the year before. I took 5 minutes off my previous best time which I ran in 2007 when I was at my previous physical best level of fitness in my opinion. There was much for me to be pleased with as far as this was concerned.

Yet none of it would have been possible if I had let my head do what it tried doing in the week leading up to the race.

For my official schedule for the 5 marathons I ran in consecutive weeks in April and May of 2012, I just had to get the 20 miles run in 3 hours which is 9 minutes per mile. For the marathon, my race pace willneed to be 8 minute miles in order for me to come in under 3 hours 30 minutes and I thought that as it was a race, I’d aim to complete this race at 8 minute miles as a way of motivating and reassuring myself before the marathons start.

On the day though, I ran the race averaging 7 minutes and 45 seconds per mile. Again, it would not have been possible if I had not organised my thoughts and attitude…

In the week leading up to the race, I started to worry that I had not done enough miles in preparation. I worried about whether I had been giving my all in my speed sessions and whether I had been disciplined enough with the hill runs. With the worry, I started to doubt that I would be able to complete the run at 8 minutes per mile and started to think about doing it in a different time… Yet there was another part of me saying, ‘no, I can do this, I need to practice what I preach and take some of my own advice and get a grip of my thoughts here’ – I had gone faster in tougher conditions at a full-blown marathon last year, what on earth was I doing letting niggling thoughts try and interfere with my performance?

Alleviating Internal Conflicts

Ok, I’ll quit with the discussion about miles per minute and running for now and get to the point and process of this hypnosis audio track…

You can spot the tenuous link here anyway, because in this audio track I am sharing with you a technique accredited to the field of NLP and is known as a visual squash.

I often discuss and write about having congruence… that is, ensuring that all parts of you are aligned. Simple conflicts such as the one I cite in relation to running are not necessarily vastly problematic… But similar internal conflicts can occur that can create issues for us and our lives… And that is what this hypnosis process is helping to alleviate.

Someone who says they want to stop smoking, a part of them wants to be healthier, yet another part of them enjoys the time alone in the garden spent indulging in the habit… Someone looking to reduce weight, has a part of them that wants to be shapelier, yet another part gets comfort fromscoffing late at night in front of the telly. You know what I mean here, don’t you? Someone who wants to exercise in a certain way in their life, may findthat a part of them believes they can and another part looks for evidence that you can’t… Us crazy folk, eh?

This hypnosis session is going to get your mind focused, it is going to create harmony within you and it is going to ensure you are driven to getting your exercise completed and done with enjoyment. You’ll really love how you benefit from this, I know I certainly did and many of the people I work with professionally reap the rewards of this type of session.