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Getting The Runners High

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Getting The Runners High

Over the years, I have read a lot of information, opinion as well as some utter nonsense about something referred to as the “runners high”. Popular running blogs, and non-academics in the running community refer to this “runners high” as a sort of euphoria type of state that results in the body being flooded by endorphins and feelgood chemicals when we engage in running.

I certainly experience this, particularly after a run, though according to the research and actual evidence, there is speculation about what it is and how it happens. There is very little evidence to suggest it happens as a result of increased endorphins in the brain, and we really need more research and well-designed studies to be more sure of what is happening physically within us to cause this.

The fact of the matter though, is that the vast majority of runners, especially when certain levels of fitness have been achieved do report that they enjoy a general sense of well-being after they have been running and way back in 1979 Mandell wrote in the Psychiatry Annals about such a thing as the “runners high” existing.

Mandell (1979) wrote at a purely theoretical level based upon personal experience and considered neurochemical literature illustrating effects of various drugs on the central nervous system, drawing parallels to what goes on in the brain when we exercise. Mandell also suggested the role of serotonin was more important and this has since been confirmed a study conducted by Chauloff (1997) which showed the importance of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine as well as serotonin (feel-good chemicals known to effect mood) as they were much more present following exercise.

So although there is discussion to be had about the real chemical production in the brain when running, we can be sure that it happens to make us feel good and also that if it keeps on feeling good, we are going to be more inclined to persist with our running. Heck, when we enjoy something and it makes us feel good, we are going to carry on and do more of it, right?

This hypnosis audio track helps you make sure you derive the most enjoyment from running and ensures you of that “runners high.”

The evidence may not be of much interest to you, or really that much use, but I hope this hypnosis audio track is one that you’ll use for great effect as I certainly have been doing. Once I had read the paper by Mandell (1979) I also read the personal account and seeming cognitive strategy that was chartered within it and having read about how exercise and our thoughts can influence feeling, it made a lot of logical sense to use hypnosis to develop and purposefully engineer our very own “runners high”.

Mandell’s account even stated that these cognitions were said when charting the runners high subjective experience:

The running literature says that if you run six miles a day for two months, you are addicted forever.”

Our aim is not to get you addicted of course, but this is the kind of suggestion that the researcher said whilst engaging in the “runners high”.  I think you are going to love the way this hypnosis audio track enhances your enjoyment of running.