Have An Out Of Body Experience

Here is a hypnosis session designed to get you more aware of yourself and begin to develop a basic skill: the ability to imagine your mind and body existing in two separate places. This exercise can psychologically prepare you for an OOBE; ultimately it can also help you induce the experience at will.

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How To Have An Out Of Body Experience

No-one could avoid a news story that dominated headlines here in the UK over the years.

Madeleine McCann was 3 years old when abducted from a holiday villa in Portugal.
It is a very sad event and has touched the hearts of the mass public here. Mine included.

I watched an interview with Madeleine’s parents shortly after it all happened. They are incredible people. Throughout the experience, they have maintained their belief that their daughter is alive and they have been through an ordeal that I simply could not do justice to in writing here.

One thing they did say was that they almost felt the entire experience was unreal at times. They were at the centre of a media circus, a huge investigation and hundreds and thousands of people from all over the globe are helping and millions were taking an interest.

I went through a traumatic experience when I was younger. During that experience, I found myself at times feeling removed from reality also. Sometimes, when we are surrounded by lots of new stimuli and when we have a great deal of unusual, new and different things occurring within us, our perception of how and who we are can be removed.

Out-of-body experiences are commonplace among trauma victims – it is thought of by many as a form of protection from the pain of the trauma, or in relation to shock.

The point I want to illustrate here is that these out-of-body experiences and altered perceptions of our own reality are naturally occurring. Much research has been done on these experiences and we are all aware of the often-told experience of people on operating theatre tables seeing themselves as well as other similar types of experiences. Now, some people believe that it is simply our perception that is being altered and I do not want to get bogged down with what is scientifically actually occurring with these experiences.

I decided to investigate this. I believe that over the years, I have stretched the boundaries with what can be done with hypnosis and with the use of our minds and our altered perceptions. Out-of-body experiences (OOBE’s) are one of the more fascinating and so I thought I would share with you a real easy and simple session for using hypnosis to encourage you to have an OOBE. Exciting stuff, eh?

So here is a hypnosis session designed to do just that – to begin to get you more aware of yourself and begin to develop a basic skill: the ability to imagine your mind and body existing in two separate places. This exercise can psychologically prepare you for an OOBE; ultimately it can also help you induce the experience at will.