Hypnosis For Running
This ‘Hypnosis For Running’ programme is designed to work alongside you while you train for your marathon or any other running event. Most marathon training schedules are 16 weeks long and so it is no coincidence that this programme is a 16 week programme dealing with all facets of the runners mindset.
Introduction by Adam Eason: This Audio Programme is the Culmination of Over 10 Years Experience of Running Marathons and Other Long Distance Races.
My personal experience is combined with a great deal of research and is therefore supported throughout with evidence to support the processes involved.
This programme is designed to work alongside you while you train for your marathon or any other running event or just if you are wanting to get better at running using the power of your mind.
Most marathon training schedules are 16 weeks long and so it is no coincidence that this programme is a 16 week programme dealing with all facets of the runners mindset.
Whether you are about to embark on your first marathon ever, or if you are a veteran, then you are going to benefit greatly from the use of this material. Perhaps you are just a beginner to running and want to train your mind as well as your legs and heart, and even get more from your legs by using your mind, then this programme is for you.
We use our legs to run, don’t we?
As a result, surely we just need to run and keep on running, as Forrest Gump would say.
Isn’t this the case?
Well frankly no. For running and for any sport performed to a competitive level the mind is just as important if not more important than the physical effort and technical performance.
Listen to any sports commentary and it won’t be long before you hear references to team confidence or indidual performance levels affected by the mental approach.
Though these days marathon running is my sport, I have played football to a fairly high standard and various sports throughout my life and I think just about everyone who has ever participated in any kind of sport can remember when our state of mind interfered with a good performance.
Of course, it is not just sports performance either, many men encounter anxiety with sexual situations which affects their ability. For others similar anxiety may have affected performance in an exam or test of some kind. The mental approach to whatever you do is vitally important for success.
In sports, it might occur in an important competition. A great recent example is how Rory McIlroy. the golfer. lost his healthy lead in Augusta. However he recovered mentally and showed some amazing resilience just a few months later to go on and win the US Masters golf major in tremendous style. You must have seen how tennis players struggle with those important points in big championships and how our football teams get affected by the crowd when they play away from home.
For us marathon runners, our mental approach might affect our performance in races as well as in the important preparation. So the answer is that, of course we use more than just our legs.
I think everyone knows these days that our state of mind affects how we perform, yet it seems quite common for individuals to not understand how to get in control of their own mentality and mind, especially when it comes to sports performance.
So in this training, we will consider all aspects of the training:
In the coming 16 weeks of this audio programme, I shall be speaking to you a lot about how to use your mind, and how we are going to use hypnosis and hypnotherapy for enhancing your running ability, belief in yourself and ensuring your mind is as equipped and trained for the marathon day as your body is with all those miles under your belt.
Within the research that I have been conducting as I have put this programme together, it is amazing to read accounts of athletes and sportspeople as to the reasons behind the wide variation in their sporting performance and results. Very, very few (top elite people) actually perform with major consistency.
Injuries and health issues aside, the vast majority of the accounts suggest that most athletes and sportspeople believe their own differences in performance are due to parallel variations in their state of mind. Many athletes I encounter through my work and through running events I attend, tend to suggest that it is 50/50 physical and mental when it comes to their sporting performance and though this is only subjective evidence based on my limited encountering of sports people, I would say that it is a very low percentage 3-10% max of training time that is spent on the psychological skills and mental abilities required for peak performance.
It is a rare occurrence to encounter an athlete or sports person who spends a great deal of time and effort on their psychological skills and mental side of training. Let’s make this clear – the psychological side of training is just as important as anything else when it comes to sporting performance. The athletes at the very top of their game are the ones who know this more than the rest and that is why they are there.
Throughout this audio programme, I am going to talking in depth about a wide variety of techniques, skills, applications and methods all designed at enhancing your running performance.
- Get in the Zone for peak performance
- Get most out of training sessions
- Stay motivated when training going gets tough – winter, bad weather etc
- Recover from training sessions
- Recover from injuries quicker
- Fit Hypnosis into your preparation and give you an unfair mental advantage
We are going to look at how to get into what many athletes call getting into ‘the zone’ when you are performing at your best. It is something that people tend to think just happens magically but we can all learn how to replicate it and train ourselves to achieve it more readily and frequently.
I am going to look at how to make the most of your training sessions and keep motivated to train effectively; us runners can sometimes find it a lonely and demotivating business to follow long training schedules, especially in the dark winter months. We are going to learn how to focus and let go ofdistractions as well as a variety of other mental skills.
Certainly I have found that there is a great amount of evidence to support the idea that your mental training and psychological approach to your sport plays an important role in peak performance, but also in how you recover from training sessions and even overcome injuries.
All of this said, and despite me referring to research literature, there is not a massive amount of research that refers to the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy – which is one of my own motivations for the programme for marathon running here. Certainly among the running fraternity, there are very few that actually consider hypnosis as a means of real help.
- Develop Focus
- Enhance Confidence and Belief
- Let go of Distractions
- Be Mindful
- Learn To Relax Effectively
- Develop The Mindset Of A Better Performer.
One of the boasts of sport is that it is good for your fitness and help you mentally. That list of benefits will help you in your everyday life. Fit mentally and physically
And just to get a couple of things straight here…
I am no sports coach.
I do not train runners in relation to their physical running technique. I do not tell them what schedule to follow for their event (though often point out where to find that).
My job is to help develop the right mindset and psychological skills to make a massive difference and that is what is going to happen as we move forward.
Enjoy this programme, it is going to transform the way you run and the enjoyment you get from running and it is going to stretch your mind and enhance everything about your current running experience.
(Please listen to this short audio first)
Introduction to Hypnosis For Running – Vol 1
1a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 2
1b – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 3 – Hypnosis Session – 1
1c – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 4
2a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 5
2b – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 6 -Hypnosis Session 2
3 – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 7
4a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 8
4b – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 9 -Hypnosis Session 3
5 – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 10
6 – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 11
7a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 12
7b – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 13
7c – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 14 -Hypnosis Session 4
8a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 15
8b – BONUS HYPNOSIS SESSION – Inspiring Hypnotic Encouragement
9a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 16
9b – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 17
9c – BONUS HYPNOSIS SESSION – Jar Of Concentration
10 – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 18
11a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 19
11b – BONUS HYPNOSIS SESSION – Total Freedom From Excuses
12a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 20
12b – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 21 -Hypnosis Session 5
13a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 22
13b – BONUS HYPNOSIS SESSION – Amplify Any Feeling In Your Brain
14a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 23
14b – BONUS HYPNOSIS SESSION – Overcome The Wall
15a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 24
15b – BONUS HYPNOSIS SESSION – Accessing Your Higher Self
16a – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 25
16c – Hypnosis For Running : Vol 26 – Conclusion