Loving and Accepting Yourself
I designed and created this hypnosis audio track on Valentine’s Day and as a result there was a wide variety of articles being circulated out there throughout the internet and in magazines about how to have happy relationships, how to find your soul mate, how to find love and all the usual type of stuff that you’d expect.
I had written on these subjects a great deal in the past, I have put audios for relationship advancement together (which are available here on this site) and did not feel I had a great deal more to offer that is new or interesting and relevant. As I wracked my brain in the weeks leading up to the day of love, looking for something to write to link in to Valentines day, I thought about the notion of loving oneself instead.
Loving oneself is a fabulous thing and enriches our experience of life, yet how do we go about doing that? I think the simplest and most effective way is to accept oneself. That is what this hypnosis audio track is all about.
Being at One with Who You Are
Throughout my own recent training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and my love of all things mindfulness, I have discovered a wide array of techniques, approaches and strategies to experience acceptance. Even before I did that study, I had written about how to develop rapport by accepting others for who and how they are.
Some of us will have a negative perception of ourselves, even if only temporary as a result of an issue in life. Especially at Valentines Day when those without a special relationship may feel a particular way, often negative. Some of us may have unwanted beliefs about ourselves and our lives, which are unduly critical. Some of us may just have uncomfortable or unwanted feelings as a result of our ongoing experience of life.
Any or all of the above can contribute to a less than satisfactory experience of life and affect our perception of who and how we are. Therefore, when you accept your feelings and accept yourself, there is no fight, no waste of energy and you get to be at one with who you are…
But it does not have to be only at Valentines Day each year that we can express love and acceptance towards our self, does it? This audio shows you how to accept yourself, how to accept your own feelings towards yourself and develop a thoroughly loving relationship with you. Enjoy it!