Love Yourself More
We put this track together shortly after Valentine’s day.
Some people are understandably less enthusiastic about Valentine’s day for a wide number of reasons, but it can leave some people feeling a bit sad or gloomy, especially if they are single or have had relationships break down for one reason or another.
However, there is always one person anyone and everyone can express their love for – themselves.
This hypnosis audio track shows you how to learn to love yourself more.
It is time for you to offer yourself an ideal opportunity to express love toward yourself.
It’ll make you happier, healthier BUT also others feel good around you when you love yourself well.
Many of us find it hard to love ourselves.
On Valentine’s day, for example, many are expending a lot of effort and are sharing love with partners, immediate family, relatives, and friends.
Sometimes we neglect the most important person of all who deserves our attention and our love.
It is also easier to express love for others when we are drawing from a deep, full well. That is, some can find it difficult to share love with others because the source of love is dwindling, or even empty. Do you love yourself enough?
Where can you generate the love for people in your lives?
Do you know any shop where it is available? (No, not even those shops sell the kind of love I am talking about today!)
We can derive our love for others and derive more love for life when we have an abundance of love for ourselves.
It is incredibly healthy to have a love for ourselves and that love helps us to grow, expand and share that love with others (as well as making us easier to love in return).
If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love other people.
This audio track answers the important question; how do you love yourself?
Within this track, I share some scientifically proven ways to love yourself more and you’ll benefit in so many ways from doing so.