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Melt Stress

[Adam Eason]   These ‘Melt Stress’ Audios Will Teach You How To:

  • Be mentally calm and physically relaxed;
  • Protect yourself from events, circumstances and situations going on around you that used to cause you unwanted responses;
  • Put aspects of your life in their correct perspective;
  • Reframe past experience (so it’ll feel like you’ve always been this calm!).

You’ll feel like the stress is just ebbing away with every breath you take.

*INSTANT DELIVERY – NOTE: A pdf is delivered immediately after purchase which contains instructions for getting the audio MP3 downloads for immediate delivery worldwide


“Your Health Is At Risk If You Are TOO Stressed – We Want To Help!”

Would You Like To Say Goodbye To Stress,


Of course, you would — and you can…

In Just 2 Weeks, You Can Learn How To Melt Away Stress Like An Ice-cube On A Hot Summer’s Day!

Like most people, you probably take at least one holiday a year — for most, it’s a way of winding down and releasing stress from their day-to-day lives.

It’s a special event, something to look forward to, and something you miss as soon as it’s over.

You Can Now Enjoy That Calm Feeling Of Holiday Relaxation All Year Round!

We do require a certain amount of stress to function, to keep alert, to perform to optimum levels and just to be able to cross the road without being run over.

It is when stress becomes dis-stress that it can lead to dis-ease.

Your body acts unhealthily when it is stressed. I don’t need to tell you all the awful details of what is going on internally and externally to your mind and body when you suffer from distress.

You know that stuff; that’s what lead you here.

When I walked in from work last week without throwing my briefcase down, tutting and creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in my home, my wife and children could not believe it. They asked if I had actually been to work that day!

Mohammed Ringut, Fife, Scotland.

All Stress is Self-Induced.

No more excuses.

It’s not possible for you to have any stress which you yourself did not cause. That’s harsh, but a reality.

It is equally a fact that only you yourself can take the necessary steps to improve things — but you can and should seek assistance.

That is where this “Melt Stress” audio set comes in — as your support.

Melt Stress – This 2 Volume Set Will Teach You How To:

Be mentally calm and physically relaxed;
Protect yourself from events, circumstances and situations going on around you that used to cause you unwanted responses;
Put aspects of your life in their correct perspective;
Reframe past experience (so it’ll feel like you’ve always been this calm!).
You’ll feel like the stress is just ebbing away with every breath you take.

You’ll get that holiday relaxation feeling — every day.

Adam’s voice, the music, the atmosphere generated, what bliss! I almost forgot what it was for! I feel so different now too. “Wow!” Is all I can say.

Mrs J. Simpson, Hertford, UK.

This Audio Set Includes The Following:

  • Full audio recorded introduction to hypnosis explaining how it helps you to make the changes that you want.
  • A full introduction to the concept of stress, and a step by step guide through the programme.
  • Several modern techniques to allow you to reprogramme old patterns, and show you how to overcome symptoms of stress.
  • Two powerful hypnosis sessions.
  • Additional exercises.
  • Highly relaxing experiential music and language usage.

Stressfulness is a learned behaviour — it’s a way you’ve taught yourself to act, and like everything else, you can UNLEARN it.

You can program yourself with a different response.

Hypnosis is a way of by-passing the consciousness to access your unconscious mind, where all of your automatic behaviours exist.

The methods within this programme then help you set to work, changing the parts of your mind that are telling you to behave in a specific manner to a specific stimulus.

In this way, you can effectively ‘switch off’ the commands which cause you to become overly stressed.

You Have A Choice Before You:

Now, this programme isn’t for everyone. You have to be receptive to change, and you have to REALLY want to make a difference.

The thing about hypnosis is that it cannot make you do anything you don’t want to.

Only you can make the choice — either stay as you are, putting your health, happiness and relationships at risk from stress, or you can choose to feel as though you are slipping into a hot bath, melting your tension away — all the time.

Personally, I know which option sounds better to me.

And just remember this — if you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.

You have to decide to make a change.