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Mind Detox

What I want to share with you with this hypnosis session though is a way to detox your mind and body using your thoughts. Imagine if you could cleanse your body and your mind by just using your thoughts.

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Mind Detox

Cleanse your body with your mind!

In the world of persuasion and influence, there is a much-quoted law of contrast — for example, a clever Estate Agent may show a potential house buyer a run-down, overpriced home before taking them to the one that they have targeted for their client, with the aim of the targeted property then being seen as even more desirable in contrast to the shabby house.

I was once given a demonstration of the power of contrast at a seminar that illustrated the idea well. The seminar speaker brought 3 buckets of water on to the stage: One was filled with hot water, one with lukewarm water, one with very cold water. He asked a couple of volunteers from the audience to place one hand on the hot water and at the same time place the other in the cold water for about 30 seconds to get used to the temperature. Then, they were asked to place both hands in the lukewarm water and say what they felt.

Of course, one hand felt warm and the other cold, yet the water was the same temperature — the contrast to the previous bucket had altered how each hand responded to the lukewarm water.

At the beginning of each New Year, lots of people aim to get fit and healthy. I have noticed that when out running and training myself, there are lots more people out and about running. Certainly a lot more than there are at the end of the previous year.

Lots of the individual clients I work with at the New Year also embark upon a detox of some kind. They are drinking lots of certain fluids, taking certain supplements and eating certain types of food, to stimulate their kidneys and livers and to flush out their body following the excesses of the previous year or just to help kick off their new healthy regime, or maybe it is something they do each year.

Because my work has been so filled with this clean-living detox mentality, this is the reason I laughed so heartily at the stark contrast of the big, happy legions of people in the crowds at the world darts championships that has been getting much coverage from the BBC here in the UK over recent years.

Now, I have tended to pride myself on the fact that I have devoted myself to sports of different kinds throughout my life. I run marathons as well as lots of other races, I have played a high standard of football and make a great armchair pundit and can find myself quite excitable viewing all mainstream sports, events and occasions — live or on TV…

All I have to say with regards to the darts coverage I have seen — hilarious and brilliant. I guess most may think me passé or common… but have you ever seen such consistently happy groups of people having such a fabulously fun time at a sports event?

Maybe it is the amount of accompanying beer-swilling going on, but it seems like a real celebration of the human spirit — each player comes on to loud music, has a quality nickname, before each game everyone chants in unison, “LETS PLAY DAAAAARTS!” — it is hilarious. And when someone scores a 180, well, I have run out of words to describe the noisy joy that fills the rafters in Frimley Green’s Lakeside establishment! I have found myself watching it and laughing and also enjoying the sporting skills — ahem — of the players.

The reason that this is such a contrast to the healthy, detoxing band of people that I encounter each year, is that if you gazed around the room filled with darts fans, they were all swigging beer, smoking cigarettes aplenty… To say this in the most diplomatic way, there were very few ‘waif-like’ waistlines in the place… This seemingly care-free group of people made me laugh as I enjoyed the contrast between them and many other people that I usually encounter over the first couple of weeks of the New Year.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not championing one over the other. In fact, I believe that a detox is a wonderful thing to do and I have done many kinds in the past. I also firmly believe that beer-swilling, high octane laughter and engaging entertainment is wonderfully therapeutic.

What I want to share with you with this hypnosis session though is a way to detox your mind and body using your thoughts.

Imagine if you could cleanse your body and your mind by just using your thoughts.

Regardless of whether you believe in the purity of the body or pleasures of the flesh (sounds very sordid!), you can use your mind to cleanse it all…

This marvellously powerful hypnosis session guides through a process of truly detoxing your mind and your body and leaving you feeling invigorated and refreshed. I know you’ll love it.