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Using Hypnosis To Enjoy the Scientific Benefits of Loving Kindness

With this hypnosis audio track then, you’ll learn and experience the very real and scientifically proven benefits of loving-kindness.

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Loving Kindness

All together now, sing it with me: “All you need is love” do-be-do-be-dooo “all you need is love” do-be-do-be-dooo, “all you need is love, love… Love is all you need.”

I love that song and am exposing my inner hippy today. The sentiment in the classic Beatles song is wonderful and considered so by millions around the world. Yet how do you actually apply the sentiment and bring it into the real world?

Well that is what this hypnosis audio track is all about, and I feel that it is needed more than ever. The loving-kindness meditation technique is not just about us donning paisley shirts unbuttoned to the naval, tie-dye flares and walking barefoot all day.

It is a scientifically proven method of meditation which involves you directing and projecting love and kindness toward yourself, other people and the rest of the world.

What’s more, it is a process that can and does help alleviate stress. In a PhD dissertation study carried out at the University of Arizona the author discovered that the loving-kindness meditation can help ease social anxiety stress.

A 2013 study also showed that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder reduced symptoms by following a 12 week programme of loving-kindness meditation. Certainly I have found and those who I have learned from have spoken of how much easier it is to let go of stress when you engage in loving-kindness practice regularly.

If you then go and search the vaults at Google Scholar or at PubMed and search for credible research on loving-kindness meditation, you’ll discover that research shows it can reduce pain, increase social connectedness, build positive emotions and cultivates self-compassion among other things. It helps to calm the mind and in turn helps us to be more solution-focused and effective in life. Importantly, we become more humane.

With this hypnosis audio track then, you’ll learn and experience the very real and scientifically proven benefits of loving-kindness.