Washing Away Stress and Worry
Here in Bournemouth on the south coast of England where I live, if you want to use local refuse facilities, then you have to drive all your rubbish or waste up to the tip and show them your council tax bill or some other evidence that you are a tax payer in the region and thus allowed to be there. Getting rid of your rubbish ethically is a serious business!
Recently, it was decided that our lawnmower had to be taken there and a new one was to be purchased. The old one had outlived it’s expected time on this planet and sheer laziness on my part had meant that the grass cuttings collection box did not stay on unless I pressed my foot against it, it had black tape holding the handles in place and it was an eyesore… I mean * sighs dramatically * what must the neighbours have thought?
As I dropped the orange flymo from the late 90s off at the electricals section of the tip, I laughed out loud at the group of people who then eyed it up and down until one man decided to carry it off and load it on his truck… I told him that it did not work and needed to be put out to pasture, but he insisted he could get some life out of it… Ah, I like to think of that old lawnmower, running free in the countryside somewhere enjoying its final days having seen the screwdriver of a strange man who hangs around the local dump looking for tat to whisk away…
* daydreams happily for a few moments, gaze fixed on a distant point… *
I got rid of a load of other stuff at the time too. It leaves me with a real sense of well-being. Like feeling cleansed. I feel that way after a spring clean. Likewise, I love it when clothes and bedding have just been washed and they feel all fresh and clean – free of any stuff that it had collected from the wear and rigours of life. I don’t start doing that thing that they do on the TV commercials where they lift up the sheets and try to gaily snort them into their nostrils because they are so fresh and lovely, don’t get me wrong, I just like the sensation and the feel of clean things.
Get rid of your emotional and psychological worries
It is nice when our heads feel cleansed, clean and free of clutter and rubbish too, isn’t it? And that is what this hypnosis session is all about. Letting go. Feeling cleansed. Being free of worry and stress. Dumping our emotional and psychological rubbish!
Some of you have some rubbish in your heads apparently. I have had emails and requests for some kind of process and technique that allows us to dispense of our rubbish and leave us feeling better. This hypnosis session was in response to those requests.
Our own personal rubbish, for the purpose of this process, may include stress, it may be non-useful worries, it may frustrations or unhelpful tension, or even unnecessary fears.
This process is going to show you how to have a clear out of the mind, and wash the laundry of the brain, I think you are going to love this session.