Your Youthful Brain
The key to everlasting youth…
Ok, so I posted it on my blog, I posted it on Twitter and Facebook, and now I am mentioning it here as I write the copy for this hypnosis session… My first showing on YouTube. It has taken some time coming, but during the week of writing this, Keith posted up a clip on YouTube from last years self-hypnosis seminar that I ran in central London.
Now, believe it or not, I am not mentioning it here because I simply want you all to see the fabulous results that we get on my seminars, I mean, why would I want to go on about the fact that these people attend my seminar and at the end of it can demonstrably do some truly amazing things like those shown in the YouTube clip… 😉 (You can view the clip here on my homepage if you wish).
The actual reason I am mentioning it here is because at the start of the clip, I make a joke that only the people on the seminar would understand — it related to something that had gone on earlier in the day. The entire weekend is punctuated with my own brand of fun and humour and many people tell me that it makes the way I teach easy to absorb, understand and take on board. Heck, I like what I do to be fun. If they were not fun, I would be far less inclined to do the things I do.
Let me tell you something else… I was all snuggled up in front of the TV at the end of a brilliant weekend this weekend just gone by. I was doing one of my favourite things; snuggling up with my wife-to-be… Joking, laughing, watching TV and indulging ourselves in each other. For me, it is a simply marvellous way to spend time. Why do I mention this? Here is what she said to me:
“You are so silly sometimes…” Laughing out loud, “You are just like a child, aren’t you?” More uncontrollable laughter…
Of course, this page is not really about me giving you a nauseating or sickeningly sweet rendition of my love life. However, it articulates what this hypnosis session is all about — the idea of feeling young. Being playful and having a youthful demeanour — free from the staleness of life.
If you were to take the cause and effect path, you would need to act young to feel and ‘be’ young, I guess. All body language experts will tell you that the prime aim of make-up, certain attraction stances and gestures are all about making ourselves look young. Yet, looking younger is far, far easier when you feel youthful and energised in a youthful way. There are a million and one benefits (at least) to having fun, laughing, getting up to mischief, being playful and just being youthfully energised — I am sure you are aware of most of those benefits.
Yet so many of the people I encounter professionally and personally on a day-to-day basis seem to stuck in living their life in a very serious manner. This is all well and good and I am sure it is deemed appropriate at times to be serious by other people. I think many people forget how to get joy out of the simplest things. How to find situations silly, how to find inane things funny, how to laugh when we could be forgiven for feeling down… So my message here is to make an effort to see if you can use the cause and effect methods of feeling young by having more fun in any way you can. Then you can additionally use this hypnosis session and really turbo-boost your youthfulness…
With this marvellous and powerful hypnosis session then, I want to give you a mind blowing session that you can use to start getting your body to behave and feel more and more youthful! Step into the time machine, let your unconscious mind rediscover the truly youthful you and you are going to delight in the knock-on effects it has throughout your life!